Secrets to Financial Breakthrough


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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

How You Can Get Anything You Want in Life

What do you want?

More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not? Physicality.
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel secure? Happy? Fulfilled? Whatever the reason is, it so that you can feel good, feel free, and experience satisfaction of some kind. It is to enjoy your self one way or the other. Feeling.
So how do you get whatever it is that you want in your life, easily? Here is the formula for all creation of one's reality. And trust me; it is as easy as you make it to be. If you complicate it, it gets complicated to that degree. If you keep it as simple as it is, it becomes a seeming miracle, simple yet profoundly powerful, a sign of mastery.
And now, the skill:

Step #1: Ask Specifically. You must describe exactly what you want, both to yourself and to someone else. How high? How far? How much? Think about it. If your business needs a loan, how you would get it? You define precisely what you need, why you need it and when you need it. You also need to be able to show the lender what you’d produce with it. The same is true with anything else you’re asking for, from anyone.
How do you ask and who do you ask it to? You don't have to address your asking to anything or anyone or any deity. The asking is simply your desire and how you feel about it. It is automatic and natural. All you have to do is to be clear on what you want, as clear as you can be. Don't bother about how you will achieve your desire - the way will show up step by step automatically. Just be clear only on the end result, not necessarily on the way to get there. What is the end result you desire, exactly? Imagine it has already happened.
Also, forget about what you don't want. Here is why: whatever you are putting your attention on is what is being asked for. Where your attention is indicates what it is you are asking. How it is that you are feeling indicates what it is that you are asking. Your attention and feeling will show you, predictably, what it is you are creating in the future and how it will feel like when you get it.
Step #2: Ask someone who can help you. It’s not enough to ask specifically. You must ask someone with the right resources. Anything you want—a better relationship, a better job, more time with your family—is something someone already has. The trick is to find these people and ask them for help. This doesn’t mean you rely on them to put in the work for you, but by getting another perspective and examining someone else’s success, you might succeed, too.

Step #3: Create value for the person you’re asking. Don’t ask and just expect what you want. Figure out how you can help him first — creating that value doesn’t always have to be tangible. For example, if you asked Bill Gates for $10,000, you probably wouldn’t get far. But if you showed him how you could use that $10,000 to advance the causes championed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he’d see more value in your request.
Step #4: Ask with focused, congruent belief. The surest way to failure is to convey ambivalence. If you aren’t convinced about what you’re asking for, how can anyone else be? Express your conviction in your words and your physiology. Show that you’re sure of what you desire and you’ll get that much closer to finding out how to get what you want.
Step #5: Ask until you get what you want. That doesn’t mean asking the same person in precisely the same way repeatedly. Have the flexibility to change and adjust your tactics until you achieve what you want. If you study the lives of successful people, you’ll find that they kept asking, kept trying and kept changing, even when faced failure, because they knew that sooner or later they would find somebody who could satisfy their needs. They rarely accepted “no” the first time they hear it, and neither should you.
Think about any unresolved challenges in your life. If you apply this five-step formula, could you achieve a new outcome? Take Step #1 today by deciding exactly what you need to resolve this challenge and you’ll find yourself that much closer to a final solution.

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